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Niigata Gioia Mia Reviews

Approximately 40 people used it for a memorial concert. If you keep the volume low, jazz might suit you. Since it was a one-drink meal, I ordered additional food and drinks. I am satisfied with the content.


It was my first time visiting LIVE, so I only had drinks and didn't eat food. Soft drinks are pretty average. Higashibori Park is above the store, so it's very convenient for those who come by car.


We had the most delicious creative European cuisine at a historic live venue!! ️ I thought a lot of artists living and coming to Niigata passed through this place! In particular, the tulip (fried chicken), which had a high level of alcoholic taste, was the best! I'll visit you again ✨


I went there for the first time on Just Street, and it had a nice atmosphere. I want to go out for drinks next time.


(2023.6.18) Joined the store after being invited to celebrate the birth of Yuria Otaki. I realized that there are many different worlds out there.


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